Research Papers

This database includes peer-reviewed publications authored by TB Alliance staff. Use the tags on the left to filter by subject, or search for a particular author or term using the search bar.


Displaying 41 papers

Savings from the introduction of BPaL and BPaLM regimens at the country level

Publication: IJTLD Open

Author(s): C. Auer, A. Gupta, C. Malbacius, A. Ghafoor, Y. Kock, O. Medvedieva, P. Hanlon, P. Steinmann, and S. Juneja


Tags: BPaL, MDR-TB, TB Drug Market, TB Market

Prevalence and genetic basis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to pretomanid in China

Publication: Annals of Clinical Micobiology and Antimicrobials

Author(s): Bing Zhao, Huiwen Zheng, Juliano Timm, Zexuan Song, Shaojun Pei, Ruida Xing, Yajie Guo, Ling Ma, Feina Li, Qing Li, Yan Li, Lin Huang, Chong Teng, Ni Wang, Aastha Gupta, Sandeep Juneja, Fei Huang, Yanlin Zhao, Xichao Ou


Tags: Drug-Sensitivity Testing, M.tb. Biology, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, XDR-TB

Bedaquiline-pretomanid-moxifloxacin-pyrazinamide for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treatment: a phase 2c, open-label, multicentre, partially randomised controlled trial

Publication: Lancet Infectious Diseases

Author(s): Muge Cevik, MD Lindsay C Thompson, MPhil Caryn Upton, MD Valéria Cavalcanti Rolla Mookho Malahleha, MD Blandina Mmbaga, PhD Nosipho Ngubane, MD Zamzurina Abu Bakar, MD Mohammed Rassool, MD Ebrahim Variava, MD Rodney Dawson, MD Suzanne Staples, DPhil Umes


Tags: Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Global Pipeline, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide

The Safety and Tolerability of Linezolid in Novel Short-Course Regimens Containing Bedaquiline, Pretomanid, and Linezolid to Treat Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis

Publication: Clinical Infectious Diseases

Author(s): Tasnim Hasan, Ellie Medcalf, Bern-Thomas Nyang'wa, Erica Egizi, Catherine Berry, Matthew Dodd, Salah Foraida, Medea Gegia, Mengchun Li, Fuad Mirzayev, Hannah Morgan, Ilaria Motta, Linh Nguyen, Samuel Schumacher, Tim Schlub, Greg Fox


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaL, Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824

Bedaquiline–Pretomanid–Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

Publication: New England Journal of Medicine

Author(s): Francesca Conradie, et al., for the ZeNix Trial Team


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaL, Clinical Trial Results, Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, XDR-TB

Male reproductive hormones in patients treated with pretomanid

Author(s): Boekelheide K, Olugbosi M, Nedelman J, Everitt D, Smith E, Betteridge M, Sun E, Spigelman M


Tags: MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, XDR-TB

Budgetary impact of using BPaL for treating extensively drug resistant tuberculosis

Publication: BMJ Global Health

Author(s): Christiaan Mulder, Stephan Rupert, Ery Setiawan, Elmira Mambetova, Patience Edo, Jhon Sugiharto, Sani Useni, Shelly Malhotra, Sarah Cook-Scalise, Imran Pambudi, Abdullaat Kadyrov, Adebola Lawanson, Susan van den Hof, et al


Tags: BPaL, MDR-TB, TB Market, XDR-TB

Acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the novel BPaL regimen to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients

Publication: BMC Public Health

Author(s): S. E. J. van de Berg, P. T. Pelzer, A. J. van der Land, E. Abdrakhmanova, A. Muhammad Ozi, M. Arias, S. Cook-Scalise, G. Dravniece, A. Gebhard, S. Juneja, R. Handayani, D. Kappel, M. Kimerling, I. Koppelaar, S. Malhotra et al


Tags: BPaL, MDR-TB, Regimen Change, TB Drug Market, TB Market, XDR-TB

Pretomanid with Bedaquiline and Linezolid for Drug Resistant TB: A Comparison of Prospective Cohorts

Author(s): S. Oelofse, A. Esmail, A. H. Diacon F. Conradie, O. Olayanju, N. Ngubane, P. Howell, D. Everitt, A. M. Crook, C. M. Mendel, G. H. Wills, M. Olugbosi, A. del Parigi, E. Sun, A. Calatroni, M. Spigelman, K. Dheda


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824

No antimicrobial resistance research agenda without tuberculosis

Publication: The Lancet Global Health

Author(s): Gwenan M Knight, Mario C Raviglione, *Richard G White



Treatment of Highly Drug-Resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Publication: The New England Journal of Medicine

Author(s): Francesca Conradie, M.B., B.Ch., Andreas H. Diacon, M.D., Nosipho Ngubane, M.B., B.Ch., Pauline Howell, M.B., B.Ch., Daniel Everitt, M.D., Angela M. Crook, Ph.D., Carl M. Mendel, M.D., Erica Egizi, M.P.H., et al., for the Nix-TB Trial Team*


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaL, Clinical Trial Results, Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, Regimen Change, Trial Design, XDR-TB

Bedaquiline, moxifloxacin, pretomanid, and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of treatment of patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: a multicentre, open-label, partially randomised, phase 2b trial

Publication: The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Author(s): Conor D Tweed, Rodney Dawson, Divan A Burger, Almari Conradie, Angela M Crook, Carl M Mendel, Francesca Conradie, Andreas H Diacon, Nyanda E Ntinginya, Daniel E Everitt, Frederick Haraka, Mengchun Li, Christo H van Niekerk, Alphonse Okwera


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaZ, Clinical Trial Results, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, NC-005, PaMZ, Pretomanid/PA-824, Trial Design

Tuberculosis and antimicrobial resistance - new models of research and development needed

Publication: Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Author(s): Brigden G, Castro JL, Ditiu L, Gray G, Hanna D, Low M, Matsoso MP, Perry G, Spigelman M, Swaminathan S, Torreele E, Wong S


Tags: MDR-TB, TB Burden, XDR-TB

TB Alliance regimen development for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Publication: The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Author(s): Murray, S., Mendel, C., & Spigelman, M.


Tags: Linezolid, MDR-TB, NC-005, Nix-TB, STAND/NC-006


Publication: Tuberculosis.Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 2016/10/27/online. 16076. Macmillan Publishers Limited.

Author(s): Pai, Madhukar; Behr, Marcel A.; Dowdy, David; Dheda, Keertan; Divangahi, Maziar; Boehme, Catharina C.; Ginsberg, Ann; Swaminathan, Soumya; Spigelman, Melvin; Getahun, Haileyesus; Menzies, Dick; Raviglione, Mario


Tags: Clinical Development, Drug Discovery, MDR-TB, TB-HIV

Population-based resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates to pyrazinamide and fl uoroquinolones: results from a multicountry surveillance project

Publication: Zignol, Matteo, Anna Dean, and Natavan Alikhanova. "Population-based Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis." The Lancet (Published Online July 7, 2016 Http://


Tags: Drug-Sensitivity Testing, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, Pyrazinamide, TB Burden

Global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis in children: a mathematical modelling study

Publication: Peter J Dodd, Charalambos Sismanidis, James A Seddon. Global burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis in children: a mathematical modelling study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases , Volume 0 , Issue 0


Tags: Childhood TB, MDR-TB, TB Burden, XDR-TB

Drug-resistant tuberculosis clinical trials: proposed core research definitions in adults

Publication: Furin J., Alirol E, Allen E, et. al. Drug-resistant tuberculosis clinical trials: proposed core research definitions in adults. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 20161 Mar; 20(3): 290-294.


Tags: Clinical Development, Editorials, MDR-TB, Trial Design, XDR-TB

Understanding and addressing the tuberculosis case detection gap national inventory studies to improve estimates of incidence and strengthen surveillance

Publication: Sismanidis C, Glaziou P, Bloss E, et. al. Understanding and addressing the tuberculosis case detection gap national inventory studies to improve estimates of incidence and strengthen surveillance. 2016 Mar.


Tags: Advocacy, Editorials, MDR-TB, Policy, TB Burden, TB Drug Market, TB Market

"Understanding and addressing the tuberculosis case detection gap national inventory studies to improve estimates of incidence and strengthen surveillance" with comments

Publication: Sismanidis C, Glaziou P, Bloss E, et. al. "Understanding and addressing the tuberculosis case detection gap national inventory studies to improve estimates of incidence and strengthen surveillance" with comments. 2016 Mar


Tags: Advocacy, Editorials, MDR-TB, Policy, TB Burden, TB Drug Market, TB Market
