Research Papers

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Tag: BPaZ

Displaying 3 papers

Bedaquiline, moxifloxacin, pretomanid, and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of treatment of patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: a multicentre, open-label, partially randomised, phase 2b trial

Publication: The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Author(s): Conor D Tweed, Rodney Dawson, Divan A Burger, Almari Conradie, Angela M Crook, Carl M Mendel, Francesca Conradie, Andreas H Diacon, Nyanda E Ntinginya, Daniel E Everitt, Frederick Haraka, Mengchun Li, Christo H van Niekerk, Alphonse Okwera


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaZ, Clinical Trial Results, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, NC-005, PaMZ, Pretomanid/PA-824, Trial Design

Bactericidal Activity of Pyrazinamide and Clofazimine Alone and in Combinations with Pretomanid and Bedaquiline

Publication: Diacon AH, Dawson R, von Groote-Bidlingmaier F, et. al. Bactericidal activity of pyrazinamide and clofazimine alone and in combinations with pretomanid and bedaquiline. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015 Apr 15;191(8):943-53. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201410-1801OC.


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaZ, Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Clofazamine, NC-003, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide, TB-HIV

Sterilizing activity of novel TMC207- and PA-824-containing regimens in a murine model of tuberculosis

Publication: Tasneen R, Li SY, Peloquin CA, et. al. Sterilizing activity of novel TMC207- and PA-824-containing regimens in a murine model of tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Dec;55(12):5485-92. doi: 10.1128/AAC.05293-11


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaZ, Clofazamine, Preclinical Data, Pretomanid/PA-824