TB Alliance Meets with the Indian Minister of Health and Family Welfare

July 4, 2006

On June 30, Dr. Maria C. Freire, President and CEO of the TB Alliance, met with Indian Minister of Health and Family Welfare, The Honorable Anbumani Ramadoss, M.D.

Dr. Freire and Minister Ramadoss discussed the TB Alliance's work in India, and the potential for further collaboration in developing new drugs to treat tuberculosis. The conversation was held during a trip by the Minister to New York City, part of a larger U.S. visit that included a D.C. meeting with Health and Human Services Secretary Michael O. Leavitt.

Pictured (left to right): Senior colleague to Dr. Ganguly; Dr. Nirmal Ganguly, Director General - Indian Council of Medical Research; Minister Ramadoss; Dr. Freire; Dr. Kamal Kant Dwivedi, Counsellor (Science and Technology) Embassy of India in Washington; Alexandra Papadopoulos of the TB Alliance; Karen Wright of the TB Alliance.