Research Papers

This database includes peer-reviewed publications authored or funded by TB Alliance. Use the tags on the right to filter by subject, or search for a particular author or term using the search bar.

Displaying 192 papers

1,4-Azaindole, a Potential Drug Candidate for Treatment of Tuberculosis

6/2014 - Chatterji M, Shandil R, Manjunatha MR, et. al. 1,4-azaindole, a potential drug candidate for treatment of tuberculosis.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014 Sep;58(9):5325-31. doi: 10.1128/AAC.03233-14.

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Drug Discovery, MDR-TB, Pharmacokinetics, Preclinical Data, Pretomanid/PA-824

Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-methoxypyridylamino-substituted riminophenazine derivatives as antituberculosis agents

4/2014 - Zhang D, Liu Y, Zhang C, et. al. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 2-methoxypyridylamino-substituted riminophenazine derivatives as antituberculosis agents. Molecules. 2014 Apr 9;19(4):4380-94. doi: 10.3390/molecules19044380.

Tags: Clofazamine, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics

Four-Month Moxifloxacin-Based Regimens for Drug-Sensitive Tuberculosis

4/2014 - Gillespie SH, Crook AM, McHugh TD, et. al. Four-month moxifloxacin-based regimens for drug-sensitive tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2014 Oct 23;371(17):1577-87. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1407426.

Tags: Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, HRZE, Moxifloxacin, ReMoxTB

Whole-genome sequencing to establish relapse or re-infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a retrospective observational study.

12/2013 - Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Author(s): Bryant J, Harris S, Parkhill J, Dawson R, Diacon A, van Helden P, Pym A, Mahayiddin A, Chuchottaworn C, Sanne I, Louw C, Boeree M, Hoelscher M, McHugh T, Bateson A, Hunt R, Mwaigwisya S, Wright L, Gillespie S, Bentley, S.

Tags: M.tb. Biology, ReMoxTB

Effect of a high-calorie, high-fat meal on the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of PA-824 in healthy adult subjects

11/2013 - Winter H, Ginsberg A, Egizi E, et. al. Effect of a High-Calorie, High-Fat Meal on the Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of PA-824 in Healthy Adult Subjects. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Nov; 57(11): 5516–5520. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00798-13

Tags: Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Pharmacodynamics, Pretomanid/PA-824

Development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole cell screening hits as potential antituberculosis agents

10/2013 - Cooper CB. Development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole cell screening hits as potential antituberculosis agents. J Med Chem. 2013 Oct 24;56(20):7755-60. doi: 10.1021/jm400381v.

Tags: Drug Discovery, Global Pipeline, Preclinical Models

Potent rifamycin-sparing regimen cures guinea pig tuberculosis as rapidly as the standard regimen

8/2013 - Dutta NK, Alsultan A, Gniadek TJ, et. al. Potent rifamycin-sparing regimen cures guinea pig tuberculosis as rapidly as the standard regimen. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Aug;57(8):3910-6. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00761-13.

Tags: HRZE, Moxifloxacin, PaMZ, Preclinical Data, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide

The role of product development partnerships in advancing the development of drugs for unmet needs

6/2013 - Breitstein J, Spigelman M. The role of product development partnerships in advancing the development of drugs for unmet needs. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Jun;93(6):468-70. doi: 10.1038/clpt.2013.53.

Tags: Advocacy, Editorials, Global Pipeline

Requirements for the clinical evaluation of new anti-tuberculosis agents in children

6/2013 - Donald PR, Ahmed A, Burman WJ, et. al. Requirements for the clinical evaluation of new anti-tuberculosis agents in children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013 Jun;17(6):794-9. doi: 10.5588/ijtld.12.0567.

Tags: Advocacy, Childhood TB, Clinical Development, Editorials, Trial Design

Engaging communities in tuberculosis research

6/2013 - Boulanger RF, Seidel S, Lessem E, et. al. Engaging communities in tuberculosis research. Lancet Infect Dis. 2013 Jun;13(6):540-5. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70042-2.

Tags: Advocacy, Community Engagement, Editorials

Randomized dose-ranging study of the 14-day early bactericidal activity of bedaquiline (TMC207) in patients withsputum microscopy smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis

5/2013 - Diacon AH, Dawson R, Von Groote-Bidlingmaier F, et. al. Randomized Dose-Ranging Study of the 14-Day Early Bactericidal Activity of Bedaquiline (TMC207) in Patients with Sputum Microscopy Smear-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother.

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Pharmacokinetics

Identification of a small molecule with activity against drug-resistant and persistent tuberculosis

5/2013 - Wang F, Sambandan D, Halder R, et. al. Identification of a small molecule with activity against drug-resistant and persistent tuberculosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jul 2;110(27):E2510-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1309171110.

Tags: Drug Discovery, Drug Targets, MDR-TB, Preclinical Models

Evaluation of pharmacokinetic interaction between PA-824 and midazolam in healthy adult subjects

4/2013 - Winter H, Egizi E, Erondu N, et. al. Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic Interaction between PA-824 and Midazolam in Healthy Adult Subjects. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Aug; 57(8): 3699–3703.doi: 10.1128/AAC.02632-12

Tags: Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Pretomanid/PA-824

Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship studies of tryptanthrins as antitubercular agents

3/2013 - Hwang JM, Oh T, Kaneko T., et. al. Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationship studies of tryptanthrins as antitubercular agents. J Nat Prod. 2013 Mar 22;76(3):354-67. doi: 10.1021/np3007167.

Tags: Drug Discovery, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Preclinical Data

Aligning New Tuberculosis Drug Regimens and Drug Susceptibility Testing- A Needs Assessment and Roadmap for Action

3/2013 - Wells WA, Boehme CC, Cobelens FGJ, et. al. Aligning New Tuberculosis Drug Regimens and Drug Susceptibility Testing: A Needs Assessment and Roadmap for Action. Lancet Infect Dis. 2013;13(5):449-458. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(13)70025-2.

Tags: Advocacy, Drug-Sensitivity Testing, Editorials, TB Market

Reply to "Contradictory results with high-dosage rifamycin in mice and humans"

2/2013 - Nuermberger EL, Rosenthal IM, Tasneen R, et. al. Reply to "Contradictory results with high-dosage rifamycin in mice and humans". Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Feb;57(2):1104-5. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02216-12

Tags: Drug Discovery, Editorials, Pharmacodynamics, Preclinical Models, Rifapentine

Early bactericidal activity of new drug regimens for tuberculosis - Authors' reply

1/2013 - Diacon AH, Donald PR, Mendel CM. Early bactericidal activity of new drug regimens for tuberculosis - Authors' reply. Lancet. 2013 Jan 12;381(9861):112-3. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)60042-2.

Tags: Clinical Development, Editorials, Moxifloxacin, NC-001, PaMZ, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide, Trial Design

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

11/2012 - D'Ambrosio L, Centis R, Migliori GB. Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 2012 Nov 29;367(22):2154; author reply 2155-6. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1210001#SA1.

Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Editorials, Trial Design

Comprehensive analysis of methods used for the evaluation of compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis

11/2012 - Franzblau SG, DeGroote MA, Cho SH, et. al. Comprehensive analysis of methods used for the evaluation of compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2012 Nov;92(6):453-88. doi: 10.1016/

Tags: Advocacy, Drug Discovery, Editorials, Preclinical Models

The multi-step process of building TB/HIV collaboration in Cambodia

10/2012 - Eang MT, Vun MC, Eam KK, et. al. The multi-step process of building TB/HIV collaboration in Cambodia. Health Res Policy Syst. 2012 Oct 18;10:34. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-10-34.

Tags: Advocacy, Editorials, Policy, TB Market, TB-HIV
