Better TB treatments can improve the lives of children and restore stability and happiness to families.
A Family Disease
Tuberculosis is a scourge of families. It is a top-five killer of women in their reproductive years and a major killer of the young. It is a disease that can be passed along by a cough or a sneeze, and in the close quarters that families often live, one sick person puts many at risk. In addition to the major economic burden TB places on families, it is destabilizing communities and countries.
Maternal & Child Health
Tuberculosis strikes at women, often during pregnancy, escalating health risks that are too often overlooked. TB in mothers increases the risk that babies will die by six times, and doubles the risk of their being born prematurely or with low birth weight. The disease also causes 6 to 15 percent of all maternal mortality.
HIV/AIDS infections further complicate these pregnancies. TB in pregnant women living with HIV increases the risk of maternal and infant mortality by almost 300 percent. And in Africa, TB rates are up to 10 times higher in pregnant women living with HIV than in pregnant women without HIV infection.

New Treatments Can Reduce Stigma
While more men have TB than women globally, stigma related to the disease often has a greater impact on women. Short, simple, safe, and effective TB treatments have the potential to reduce side effects and decrease stigma associated with TB and treatment, resulting in fewer barriers to people seeking treatment.
is caused by TB
Our Pipeline
To overcome treatment challenges, TB Alliance is developing the largest pipeline of new TB drugs in history.