“TB needs to be our next liberation struggle, next to the fight against poverty.”
Though a global disease, TB’s impact is felt disproportionately by the poor. The transmission of TB within families and communities often further entrenches a cycle of poverty, in which the sick are made poor, and the poor are at increased risk of sickness. Studies show the economic impact TB has on families, even if they don’t pay for treatment. Those who become sick are often unable to work consistently and spend more time in their homes, which are often badly ventilated and help spread the disease among family members. As the disease passes from adult to child, the poverty cycle tightens its inter-generational grip.

TB Robs the World of Wealth as well as Health
New and improved TB cures could help increase the productivity of entire regions and promote sustainable economies.
Return on Investment in New TB Drugs
Investing in the development of new TB drugs is not just a humanitarian imperative; it is sound economic policy as well. New and improved TB treatments help increase the health and productivity of entire regions, promoting sustainable and self-determined economies. A recent analysis determined that investing in R&D for neglected diseases like TB returns $405 in value for every dollar invested.