Join TB Alliance throughout the month of March to mark World TB Day 2023. Use #WorldTBDay and #YesWeCanEndTB to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social, and economic impact of tuberculosis (TB).
After several years of limiting in-person activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, TB Alliance is once again engaging in World TB Day events around the globe.
Among the events being supported by TB Alliance are more than 20 community-level activities, including TB screenings, webinars, and educational events to raise awareness of the global TB pandemic and increase support of TB research and funding. Explore the map below to learn more about 2023 World TB Day events.
Join the online conversation by using #WorldTBDay and urge global leaders to recognize the need for more research to prevent, diagnosis, and treat global health threats like tuberculosis. Find a social media toolkit with graphics and suggested language to help when you’re posting. #YesWeCanEndTB
NATCON TB Conference
Monday, February 27 – Wednesday, March 1, 2023 | Agra, India
TB Alliance is hosting two events as part of the NATCON 2022 TB Conference. Speakers will share information and updates about a short, all-oral, six-month regimen for the treatment of drug-resistant TB, and its use in countries around the world. Find out more from the conference program here.
Community Engagement Forum | TB Alliance
Monday, March 6 – Tuesday, March 7, 2023 | Johannesburg, SA
TB Alliance is hosting its first in-person Community Engagement Forum since 2019. We’ll be sharing information on recent and upcoming clinical trials and hearing from community representatives on efforts from their TB programs.
A Future Free of TB: New Paths Forward | NYC World TB Day Annual Conference
Friday, March 17, 2023 | 10:00am – 4:00pm ET | Queens, NY, USA
This annual conference will address TB prevention and elimination efforts in New York City. The conference will be held at CUNY School of Law with a limited virtual option. Find more information and registration here.
TB Survivors on the Hill
Sunday, March 19 – Tuesday, March 21, 2023 | Washington, DC, USA
Along with survivors, TB Alliance and partners will participate in the seventh annual TB Survivors Hill Day in Washington, DC to connect with representatives and advocates to raise awareness of the TB pandemic, the need for global committment and collaboration of advancing the development of new tools for preventing, diagnosing, and treating TB, and the urgent need to help close the $2.6 billion annual funding gap in TB R&D.
Parliamentary Briefing | RESULTS Australia
Monday, March 20 | 7:15am | Canberra, Australia
Co-Chairs of the Australian Tuberculosis Caucus, Ms Kate Thwaites MP and the Hon Warren Entsch MP, together with Results International Australia, warmly invite you to join a breakfast at Parliament House to hear about solutions to end the tuberculosis pandemic. To register your interest in attending, please click here.
Community Involvement and Engagement in Early Stage TB Research | ERA4TB, UNITE4TB, and NICE
Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 4:00 – 5:00pm CET | Virtual Webinar
ERA4TB is partnering with fellow IMI-funded TB research consortium, UNITE4TB, on its upcoming webinar on the 23rd March from 4-5 pm CET. The webinar will be the second in ERA4TB’s newly launched webinar series exploring key topics related to tuberculosis and antimicrobial research. The webinar will look at the important topic of community involvement and engagement in early-stage TB research. It will include hearing directly from a TB survivor about their hopes for future research and a panel discussion with a fantastic set of speakers exploring why it is important to involve people affected by TB in research, what the challenges can be to doing this and how we can look to overcome them. The panellists will be:
- Patrick Agbassi, Global Health specialist, Chair of the Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board and UNITE4TB Community Advisory Group
- Blessi Kumar, CEO of The Global Coalition of TB Advocates (GCTA) and a member of the UNITE4TB Community Advisory Group
- Santiago Ramon Garcia, Associate Research Professor at the Research & Development Agency of Aragon Foundation (ARAID), ERA4TB work package lead, University of Zaragoza
The webinar is being hosted by ERA4TB partner, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Register for the webinar here.
The Black Angels: A Nurse’s Story – World TB Day Film Screening with TB Alliance and IAVI
Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 2:00 – 4:00pm | New York, NY, USA
TB Alliance and IAVI are hosting a World TB Day screening of the documentary The Black Angels: A Nurse’s Story spotlighting the heroism of African American nurses who risked their lives to care for TB patients and find a new cure. The film shares the story of Marjorie Tucker Reed and her career as a nurse on Staten Island. Find more information and register here.
Note: This event will be in-person in New York City.