Research Papers

This database includes peer-reviewed publications authored by TB Alliance staff. Use the tags on the left to filter by subject, or search for a particular author or term using the search bar.

Tag: Clinical Development

Displaying 52 papers

Assessment of the Effects of the Nitroimidazo-Oxazine PA-824 on

Publication: Ginsberg AM, Laurenzi MW, Rouse DJ, Whitney KD, Spigelman MK. Assessment of the effects of the nitroimidazo-oxazine PA-824 on renal function in healthy subjects. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009 Sep;53(9):3726-33. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00112-09


Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Pretomanid/PA-824

Emerging Drugs for Active Tuberculosis

Publication: Ginsberg AM. Emerging drugs for active tuberculosis. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2008 Oct;29(5):552-9. doi: 10.1055/s-0028-1085706.


Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Clinical Development, Drug Discovery, Editorials, Global Pipeline, Pretomanid/PA-824, Rifapentine

Handbook of anti-tuberculosis agents

Publication: Handbook of Anti-Tuberculosis Agents. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2008 Mar;88(2):85-6. doi: 10.1016/S1472-9792(08)70002-7.


Tags: Clinical Development, Clofazamine, Global Pipeline, HRZE, Linezolid, Moxifloxacin, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Pyrazinamide, Rifapentine, Sutezolid

The ethics of non-inferiority trials

Publication: Nunn AJ, Meredith SK, Spigelman MK, Ginsberg AM, Gillespie SH. The ethics of non-inferiority trials. Lancet. 2008 Mar 15;371(9616):895; author reply 896-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60404-3.


Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Clinical Trial Results, Editorials, Policy, Trial Design

Advancing the science in clinical trials for new TB drugs

Publication: Wells WA, Brooks A. Adoption of new health products in low and middle income settings: how product development partnerships can support country decision making. Health Res Policy Syst. 2011 Mar 31;9:15. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-9-15.


Tags: Biomarkers, Clinical Development, Editorials, Moxifloxacin, Trial Design

New tuberculosis therapeutics: a growing pipeline

Publication: Spigelman MK New tuberculosis therapeutics: a growing pipeline. J Infect Dis. 2007 Aug 15;196 Suppl 1:S28-34. Accessed March 7, 2016


Tags: Clinical Development, Editorials, Global Pipeline, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, Pretomanid/PA-824, Rifapentine, TB-HIV

Challenges associated with current and future TB treatment

Publication: Laurenzi M, Ginsberg AM, Spigelman M. Challenges associated with current and future TB treatment. Infect Disord Drug Targets. 2007 Jun;7(2):105-19.

Author(s): Laurenzi, M., A. Ginsberg, and M. Spigelman


Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Editorials, Global Pipeline, Trial Design

Challenges in tuberculosis drug research and development

Publication: Ginsberg AM, Spigelman M. Challenges in tuberculosis drug research and development. Nat Med. 2007 Mar;13(3):290-4. Accessed March 7, 2016


Tags: Clinical Development, Editorials, Global Pipeline, Trial Design

Antimycobacterium Agents

Publication: Ma Z, Ginsberg A, Spigelman M. Antimycobacterium Agents. Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA. 2007 Jan; 700-4, 719-20, 26.


Tags: Clinical Development, Drug Discovery, Drug Targets, Global Pipeline, M.tb. Biology, MDR-TB, Moxifloxacin, Preclinical Models, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide, Rifapentine, TB-HIV, Trial Design

Tuberculosis drug development pipeline: progress and hope

Publication: Spigelman M, Gillespie S. Tuberculosis drug development pipeline: progress and hope. Lancet. 2006 Mar 18;367(9514):945-7. Accessed March 7, 2016


Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Drug Discovery, Editorials, Global Pipeline

Opportunities for overcoming tuberculosis: new treatment regimens

Publication: Freire MC. Opportunities for overcoming tuberculosis: new treatment regimens. World Hosp Health Serv. 2006;42(1):34-7. Accessed March 7, 2016


Tags: Advocacy, Clinical Development, Editorials, Global Pipeline, Policy, Trial Design

New drugs for tuberculosis: current status and future prospects

Publication: O'Brien RJ, Spigelman M. New drugs for tuberculosis: current status and future prospects. Clin Chest Med. 2005 Jun;26(2):327-40, vii. Accessed March 7, 2016


Tags: Clinical Development, Drug Discovery, Editorials, Global Pipeline, Moxifloxacin, Pretomanid/PA-824, Rifapentine
