Generate a customized cost effectiveness analysis for implementing six-month drug-resistant TB treatments
The Model
Various studies show that when used to treat drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) the BPaL regimen has the potential to result in cost savings for both patients who receive treatment healthcare systems.. Global Fund has also recommended that countries modify their grant requests to include BPaL/M, as its lower treatment costs enable treating a higher number of patients.
The studies that generated this evidence have been conducted either at the global level or in select countries. Knowing that several countries would like to be able to determine cost-effectiveness estimates customized to their own settings, TB Alliance and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health, Institute have developed SLASH-TB (Savings from Leveraging & Adopting Shorter & Highly Effective TB Treatments), a model to estimate cost savings for health service systems, patients, families, and/or care givers when using the BPaL/M regimens as compared to standard drug-resistant TB treatments. This model can be used at country level, state level or even hospital level.
SLASH-TB can calculate:
- Annual cost savings if all eligible DR-TB patients were to switch to BPaL/M
- Cost-effectiveness of switching all DR-TB patients to BPaL/M
- Five-year real cost-effectiveness based on projections of use of different regimens
- Budget impact analysis, including total savings to a country at the healthcare system level and patient level
SLASH-TB will help build evidence in support of funding for new regimens and may be used to support internal budgeting or fundraising purposes e.g., in developing Global Fund grant requests, and for showcasing the cost-savings of using new regimens.
We invite countries to use this model to calculate the cost-effectiveness and impact on budget of implementing the BPaL/M regimens. To do so:
- Download the Data Requirements file, which provides guidance on the information needed to complete the model and how to fill the model out
- Contact us if you have any additional questions regarding how to fill the model
- Once you complete the file, please email it to us and we will quality check for the correct data
- Once we have all the required data, we will analyze the information and share the results with you
If you have any questions about the model, please reach out to us – we are here to help.
We plan to make this model fully available in an interactive form online in the near future.