Novartis Affirms Commitment to Affordability and Alliance

July 4, 2004

Novartis’ participation to the fight against TB rests on two key principles shared by the TB Alliance. The core scientific component – its Institute for Tropical Diseases (NITD) in Singapore – is equaled by a strong commitment to affordability.

At a July 2004 symposium in Singapore, TB Alliance Stakeholder Charles Yu addressed the scientific gathering, emphasizing the importance of Novartis’ pledge to ensure the results of its research would be affordable and to partner with the TB Alliance to manage their development. Dr. Yu, President of PhilCAT, also outlined the strategy of the TB Alliance to leverage contributions of companies like Novartis, and the unique design of its wide stakeholder network representing its global mandate and ensuring the ultimate affordability of the end product.

At the launch of the Singapore research institute in January 2003, Novartis pledged that once the results of its early stage research were in hand, it would “team with the TB Alliance.” Additionally, Novartis also emphasized that “the result of [its] research will be available without royalties in endemic countries,” a commitment that demonstrates how novel drug development partnerships can work for diseases where traditional profit motives fail. Further cementing this commitment, Dr. Paul Herrling, Head of Corporate Research at Novartis, joined the TB Alliance Board in early 2004.

Dr. Charles Yu outlined the need for better TB drugs based on his experience as a medical doctor in the Philippines. “75 people die from TB every day in the Philippines due to limited access to older TB drugs,” said Dr. Yu. “Now in the TB Alliance, I have a partner who shares my commitment and vision to deliver the best TB medication to patients in need.”